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What is MSM?

MSM is organic sulfur, a compound that occurs naturally in nature and in the human body. It is necessary for the structure of every living cell. Hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and antioxidants all depend on it. And because the body utilizes and expends it on a daily basis, MSM must be continually replenished for optimal nutrition and health.

Birth of a Supplement

Methylsulfonylmethane, or MSM, has been present in the oceans, soil, and atmosphere of Earth for eons. It has been collected by plants and eaten by animals for nearly as long. It is part of nature’s great sulfur cycle, upon which all life depends. Although the technology to produce MSM has been known for many years, the nutritional benefits were unknown until discovered by chemical researcher Robert J. Herschler in the early 1980s.

Where Does MSM Come From?

msm animals

MSM originates in the oceans where microscopic plankton release sulfur compounds into seawater, which is quickly converted to DMS, a volatile sulfur compound that escapes into the atmosphere. In this suspended, gaseous state, the DMS reacts with ozone and ultraviolet sunlight to create DMSO and DMSO2, known as MSM. MSM then falls to the earth with the rain, where it is collected and concentrated in plants. Although MSM is abundant in nature, even the richest natural sources only provide MSM in the level of several parts per million. Commercial “harvesting” of MSM is not possible. MSM is produced by oxidizing DMSO. This process replicates the exact natural compound.